How to avoid nail breakage and splitting?
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How to avoid nail breakage and splitting?

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Beautiful and well-kept hands can be a true calling card of a woman. But what to do if your nails are brittle and fragile? We suggest how you can take care of them both externally and internally

In order to enjoy beautiful and strong nails, it is necessary to take proper care of them – not only using external products, but also taking care of yourself from the inside. Find out what you can do to prevent your nails from becoming brittle and fragile.

Causes of brittle and splitting nails

Your nails may be brittle due to, for example, excessive exposure of your hands to water and detergents while cleaning or washing dishes. It can also be caused by using nail polish remover too often or, on the other hand, moisturizing your hands and nails too infrequently. The source of the problem may also lie in vitamin deficiencies, specifically vitamin A and E.

Moisturize your hands and nails

To prevent split nails, you can start by properly moisturizing – creaming your hands and gently rubbing in cream or oil after every contact with water should become a habit. Especially important is nail oil, which should be rubbed in at least three times a day. This will prevent the growth of cuticles, but also moisturize the entire nail. You do not have to buy a special oil either, because olive oil, coconut oil or argan oil will work just as well

Use acetone-free nail polish remover

For good nail health, it’s a good idea to skip acetone-based nail polish removers, which dry out your nails a lot. This makes them very sensitive and brittle. If your nails are in very bad condition, stop painting them for a while. By frequently painting your nails, you often used remover, which creates a closed circle. During times when your split nails are weakened, reach for a clear conditioner that will not only add a nice shine to your nails, but also nourish them. However, when you do decide to use polish, go for an acetone-free nail polish remover with vitamins, oils and herbal extracts when washing it off and your nails will surely thank you

Choose the right nail file

It’s also important to file your nails with the right file to prevent additional splitting and breaking. Ditch the metal file – instead, invest in a glass or fine-grained, high-grade file. Also, remember to file your nails in one-sided movements, not up and down or one way and then the other.

Proper diet and supplementation

A healthy and balanced diet is also important for healthy and strong nails. To avoid breaking and splitting your nails, you should eat plenty of vitamin A-rich tomatoes and carrots, B vitamins, which you will find in legumes, vegetable oils, which are essential fatty acids, and nuts, radishes, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, bananas, dairy products and green leafy vegetables, which are rich in valuable minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper and silicon. You can also use dietary supplements, such as those found on the MarketBio online store.

Main photo: Element5 Digital/

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