<strong>Pedicure</strong> at home step by step
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Pedicure at home step by step

Beautiful feet are well-groomed feet. To do so, it is necessary to pedicure. It turns out that you do not necessarily have to run to a beautician to have beautiful toenails. You can do the procedure yourself, you just need to know how.

You need to take care of feet all year round. If we neglect them, they will look unsightly, and certainly it will be a bad idea to wear sandals, and show them to the world. That is why it is important to have a regular pedicure. Many people perform this procedure in beauty salons, which, as we know, costs money. And all you need is a little willingness and knowledge to do pedicure yourself

Pedicure is also done for health

Pedicure is worth doing not only to enjoy beautiful and neat toenails, but also for health. Let’s remember that feet are not easy, we constantly hide them in shoes, wear socks (often made of poor quality materials), expose to moisture, overheating or cold. In the feet we have a lot of nerve endings – receptors, which are connected to the rest of our body. Neglect of toenails can therefore contribute not only to their ingrowth, breakage, as well as to numerous more serious ailments. Regular treatments will prevent them

Pedicure – how to do it yourself?

A simple pedicure should not take more than an hour. To perform this procedure, we will need primarily: file, foot grater, nail polish remover, fragrance oil, wooden stick, cuticle oil, foot separator, polishing block and varnish

First, carefully remove any remaining polish or conditioner if it is on the plate. Then pour into a bowl of warm water, put there salt, liquid or aromatic oil (such as tea tree, lavender or eucalyptus) and soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes. It is also worth making a foot scrub, which will remove keratinized epidermis. You can use ready-made products available in drugstores or use the home method and mix coffee grounds with body gel

Thanks to peeling feet will become smoother, softer and skin on them will look younger. Then dry your feet with a towel and shape your nails, using nail clippers first. For toenails, the cutting line should be straight. Then use a file to gently round the edges and polish them with a polishing block. It is important to remember that the file should always be used in one direction. Why is this so important? Well, thanks to this the nails will not split later

Now the grater comes into play. Remove all corns and calluses. Do it with firm, but relatively gentle movements. You can not cut the corns and calluses, because it can contribute to the appearance of infection and recurrence of the problem. Then carefully cream your feet with moisturizing cream. Cuticles should be removed with a wooden stick – do not cut, which is also a common mistake

Between toes, we put a special separator for feet made of soft sponge (available in almost every drugstore for a few zlotys). Thanks to this, toes will not touch each other and nail polish will not smear. Apply a base coat or conditioner on the plate and wait until it dries. Only now the nail polish of your choice is applied. Apply a thin layer twice, a thicker one can make the enamel wavy and uneven. At the end it is recommended to apply a glossy top, which will make the nails shiny and even more beautiful. Cover cuticles with oil and you’re done!

If you want a more durable pedicure, instead of regular polish you can use a hybrid one, which is fixed in a special UV lamp. In this case you should also get a hybrid base and top. Each applied layer is fixed in the lamp. At the end of the process the nails have to be wiped with a cleanser to remove the sticky layer. The advantage of this treatment is that it lasts up to several weeks. This pedicure, however, is a bit more complicated and requires special cosmetics and a lamp.

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