<em>Aptos or PDO threads?</em> What are the differences?
Aesthetic medicine
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Aptos or PDO threads? What are the differences?

Threads have revolutionized aesthetic medicine. Thanks to them you can quickly and non-invasively improve drooping cheeks, eyelids, corners of the mouth, and sharpen facial oval. What is more, they stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which strengthens the effect of the procedure. The question is which threads to choose: Aptos or PDO?

Aesthetic medicine offers many types of threads, varying in structure, material of manufacture, length and purpose. To ensure the desired effect, they must be matched to the problem with which you are struggling. Therefore, it is always worth to first go for a consultation with a specialist, who will apply the appropriate type. What are the benefits of different types of threads?

PDO threads

These are synthetic, very strong fibers, which after insertion under the skin allow you to obtain an immediate effect of skin tension and lift. They allow you to perform a quick lift and are ideal for sharpening the oval of the face, lifting cheeks, eyebrows and corners of the mouth, but also breasts and buttocks.


PDO threads are inserted under the skin with a thin needle, so they provide a kind of scaffolding for the skin. Until now, the natural scaffolding were collagen fibers, but with age, the body produces less and less of it, the effects of which are visible in the form of falling cheeks, eyelids or wrinkles. PDO threads not only perfectly replace them, but also, thanks to polidiaxanon (material from which they are made), stimulate the body to produce collagen and elastin. This ensures a satisfactory effect immediately after surgery, with each subsequent week it becomes even better.

Aptos threads

Aptos may be made of polylactic acid, polylactic acid in combination with hyaluronic acid or polypropylene. The latter belong to the group of solid, or insoluble, threads. Others are bioabsorbable and biorevitalizing, which means that during their absorption collagen and elastin synthesis occurs, which enhances the effect of skin elasticity and tone. They are recommended in the case of improving the oval of the face, as well as lifting and smoothing the neck, neckline and abdomen. They also provide buttocks lift or eliminate loose skin on the arms.

The insertion of Aptos threads looks similar to PDO. They are implanted in a specific place using a special cannula.


PDO or Aptos?

Aptos threads are placed deeper in the tissue than PDO, so you can get a stronger effect. They not only correct skin laxity, but also evenly distribute fatty tissue that begins to shift with age. This is why Aptos are most commonly used to correct the abdomen, arms or the inside of the thighs. PDO, on the other hand, are perfect for a quick facelift, because they tighten the skin perfectly and become its scaffolding.

Remember that the choice of threads in practice is determined by your doctor. After getting acquainted with your problem he/she will advise you on the appropriate way of correction, which will bring satisfactory results.

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