Tag - PDO threads

<strong>Drooping corners of the mouth</strong>: how to lift them?
Drooping corners of the mouth: how to lift them?

These aesthetic medicine treatments will help you eliminate the problem of drooping corners. Check out how they differ!

<strong>Lifting without a scalpel</strong>? Yes, but only with PDO threads! Find out what they are and whether it is worth to invest in them!
Lifting without a scalpel? Yes, but only with PDO threads! Find out what they are and whether it is worth to invest in them!

Sharpened facial oval, lifted drooping eyelid and eliminated wrinkles!

<em>Aptos or PDO threads?</em> What are the differences?
Aptos or PDO threads? What are the differences?

Threads have revolutionized aesthetic medicine. They allow for quick, minimally invasive and effective treatment, which brings spectacular results! Check, what you can gain thanks to them and which one you should choose.

What treatments for a drooping eyelid? We suggest!
What treatments for a drooping eyelid? We suggest!

Are you tired of droopy eyelids that add years to your face or make your face look sad and tired? We have ways to deal with it!