How to choose makeup for eye shape?
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How to choose makeup for eye shape?

When applying eye makeup, it is important to take into account not only the color of the iris, the type of beauty, individual preferences or current trends. Another important issue is the shape of the eye. Properly matched make-up is able to effectively emphasize the look, open the eye optically and conceal imperfections.

Eye make-up

What should be kept in mind when applying eye make-up? Light eye shadow can effectively lighten the look, dark eye shadow can give depth to the eyes. Sharp, thin lines will emphasize the shape of your eyes. Smudging eye shadow or eyeliner can create a subtle effect.

Makeup and Eye Shape

How do I choose the right makeup to fit my eye shape? Just follow these tips. Women with almond-shaped eyes are in the best situation. They look good with any make-up. There is no need for special makeup tricks here.

Narrow Eyes

When it comes to narrow eyes, you can make a striking smoky eye makeup. How to do it step by step? First, go out the shadow over the crease of the eyelid, blending it well over the eye. Then apply a matte, darker shadow. We also apply it in the inner corner, paying special attention so that it does not flake. It is best to use brown, navy blue, grey and black eye shadows for smoky eyes.

Round eyes

Round-eyed women should focus on optically drawing out their eyes horizontally. First apply a light shadow on the inner part of the upper eyelid, up to the base of the eyebrows. Apply a darker shade in the crease of the eye, creating a slight line, which will blur towards the outer corner of the eye. Apply the darker shadow on the outer part of the eyelid, blending it upwards and to the side. Finish the make-up with a line starting from the middle of the upper eyelid. The focus should be on making the end of the line slightly raised and slightly thicker. Women with round eyes should use long lines on the upper eyelid and pearl shadows.

Wide-Splitting Eyes

How should wide-set eyes be painted? The best solution is to apply a matte, flesh-colored shadow on the upper eyelid and then cover the outer part of the eyelid with a darker shade, without going beyond the corner of the eye. On the crease of the upper eyelid, apply a black or graphite shadow, heavily blending it to the inner corner. In case of wide-set eyes, we should avoid emphasizing the outer part of the eyelid. Pearlescent shadows are also not suitable here

Eyes set close together

Light shadows should be applied on the inner corners of the eyelid, dark shadows on the outer corners. To optically lengthen eyes and make them look wider, pull eye shadow from the outer corner of the eye. Line the upper and lower eyelids from the middle of the eye, extending it beyond the outer corner.

Drooping Eyelids

For drooping eyelids it is recommended to apply light shadow on the central part of the eyelid. The dark cosmetic should be applied along the crease of the upper eyelid, so that it is slightly cut at the outer corner and lifted up. It is also a good idea to lighten and illuminate the arch under the eyebrows. This will make it look lighter.

If the problem is drooping corners, eye makeup should start with applying light shadow on the eyebrow arch and the inner part of the eyelid. Apply the dark shadow from the middle of the eye, blending it upwards near the outer corner. Then draw a line up to ⅔ the length of the eye and extend it toward the temples.

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