How do I match my <strong> hair color </strong>to my complexion?
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How do I match my hair color to my complexion?

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Do you want to change your hair color but don’t know what color you should go for? The options are numerous, whether sombre, ombre or a radical change. Hair color is an important issue, so much so that you should give it some thought. Here is how to choose the right hair color for your complexion to get the ‘wow’ effect you desire

Warm complexion

Warm-toned skin goes beautifully with warm-toned hair. If you like light hair color your hair should be strawberry blonde or golden blonde. It may also be a good idea to match warm and cool blonde hair colours.

If you prefer brown hair colour, go for caramel, toffee or dark, warm brown highlights. Reflections in these colors accentuate your complexion. Basic warm complexion types do not look good with black or shades of blue or purple.

As for redheads, golden and coppery red tones should suit you

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Cool complexion

If you have cool skin tones, cool colors enhance your beauty the most. Beige and platinum blonde hair colors are best suited for cool skin tones whether they are used for highlights or as a plain color.

Cool brown shades for cool skin are dark chocolate and espresso. As for redheads, here too avoid warm shades.

Neutral complexion

Almost all hair colors are suitable for this skin type. If you have this skin type, you will look good in various shades of blonde and brown as well as in cool colors.

What is your skin type?

Cool Type

This skin type comes with pinkish undertones. More often than not, skin is pale, almost porcelain-like. If you are not sure whether you have a cool complexion or not, find out which shades suit you better. If you like cool colors, i.e. pinks, purples, blues or grays, you probably have this type of complexion. You should also pay attention to the color of the veins on your wrists, for example. If they are bluer, this could also be a premise.

Warm skin type

People with this skin tone feel best in warmer colors such as orange, red, warm browns. In this case, the veins on the wrists are more green. Remember that the warm type can include different shades: more olive, yellow or peach.

Neutral type

A complexion between cool and warm, in which neither pink nor yellow tones stand out. It is classically beige and most versatile.

The classic beige complexion

This is skin that is prone to redness with visible capillaries. It is also prone to changeable weather conditions – redness appears around the nose and on the cheeks, under the influence of heat, wind or cold. It most often affects women with light, delicate skin tones and, in this case, this should also be taken into consideration when choosing the right hair color. The wrong hair color may intensify the effect of thin, pale skin and accentuate visible capillaries. Blonde is recommended for this skin type but people with this type of complexion should avoid hair colors like strawberry blonde because they may accentuate the pink patches on the face. You should also avoid reddish or reddish shades of hair or black (if you have very fair skin). Colored hair and copper tones may also look awkward.

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