Discover 6 reasons why you should start doing yoga!
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Discover 6 reasons why you should start doing yoga!

Yoga has a growing number of fans. And all thanks to, among others, celebrities who promote it intensively and show in social media how they practice. However, it is worth knowing that it really has an excellent impact on our health, fitness and psyche!

Many people who have not been exposed to yoga think that it is not for them. Most of them associate it with gymnastic women in strange, very difficult poses and are convinced that they will never get their bodies into such shape – this is a mistake. It is worth getting to know yoga better to benefit from its healing power. Here are 6 reasons why you should practice it!

1. Yoga positively influences our health

Yoga has a great impact on our health and well-being. Many people who come to yoga classes struggle with back pain, knee pain, hip pain, etc. It turns out that doctors are increasingly encouraging their patients to try yoga before they decide to have surgery! It has been proven to have positive effects on the muscular, skeletal, reproductive, endocrine, nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems. Numerous studies show that people who practice yoga regularly have a significant improvement in their health – many pain complaints disappear

2. Everybody can practice yoga

It is a myth that yoga is only good for slim and fit women. This stereotype still makes many people skeptical about it. And it turns out that anyone can practice yoga – a child, a pregnant woman, an obese person, an elderly person and even people with many ailments.

Of course, not all positions are for everyone, but there are so many that you can easily find something for yourself and adapt to your abilities. When it comes to contraindications to practice yoga, there are none. They concern possibly some groups of postures. If we come to the classes, the trainer will adjust them directly to us, so that they give us pleasure, satisfaction and also bring the expected results

3. Something for the body and something for the spirit

Each physical activity is connected with secretion of endorphins. This is the reason why after exercising we have a good mood and feeling of well-being. So it is worth to know that yoga affects not only our body, but also the state of mind. Besides, one of the definitions describing yoga is meditation in motion. That is why it is worth to practice it among others for people who need to calm down. Thanks to it we regain our peace of mind and discover self-confidence, insomnia and anxiety disappear, coordination and concentration improve

4. Variety ensures that we will not get bored

Who of us likes to do the same exercises over and over again? Exactly – no one. And in yoga there is no option to be boring and monotonous. Many yoga postures, or asanas, are repeated in different patterns. Thanks to that during the classes the participant does not know what the teacher can surprise him with, what sequence he will propose and what exercises he will surprise with

5. A challenge for ourselves

In yoga we first learn easy asanas and then move on to more difficult ones. It is a constant challenge, we become a rival for ourselves, all the time we improve what we do. For example, yesterday we were not able to do a pose and today we do not have any problem with it

Many yoga lovers also set themselves a challenge that e.g. in half a year they will learn to stand on their heads and they persistently strive to do it, controlling their own progress

6. Yoga is not the same as religion

Some people think that yoga is connected with Hinduism. It is worth to know, that it is in no way identical with religion, during practicing yoga no one mentions it. Yoga can be practiced by everyone, regardless of religion. It is common to see a statue or statue of Patanjali, who codified yoga, in the exercise rooms, for which yogis are grateful to him, but they do not follow him or worship him, as is erroneously thought.

Main photo: Kaylee Garrett/

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