<strong><stron>Mesotherapy</stron> – is it worth it?
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Mesotherapy – is it worth it?

Mesotherapy is effective in fighting the signs of aging: it reduces wrinkles, improves skin density and firmness, moisturizes and regenerates. However, these are still only a few of the benefits it provides. Find out whether it is worth it and what it is all about.

What is mesotherapy?

The treatment consists in supplying the skin with appropriate nutritional, regenerative or therapeutic substances; depending on the needs and effects you want to achieve, the components are various types of vitamin cocktails and plant extracts, hyaluronic acid or compounds from the group of glycosaminoglucans. What is important, depending on the method of administration of nutrients are distinguished mesotherapy: needle and needle-free.

Types of mesotherapy

Needle mesotherapy involves the introduction of active ingredients with the use of a needle. This method, in addition to the wealth of beneficial nutrients and regenerative ingredients, strongly stimulates the body to repair processes. It happens due to many punctures which first lead to inflammation and then stimulate fibroblasts. These, in turn, rebuild the skin in a better condition than it was, thanks to the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Therefore, needle mesotherapy treatment is especially recommended for people who struggle with acne scars.

Needleless mesotherapy involves the introduction of active substances by electropolation, i.e. with the help of devices generating high-frequency electric current. This allows nutrients to be introduced deep into the skin. Needleless mesotherapy can also include sonophoresis and iontophoresis. The former uses ultrasound to introduce nutrients, while the latter uses electrolytic dissociation (the process of disintegration of molecules), which under the influence of electric current allows ions to penetrate into the skin.

Mesotherapy – for whom?

The treatment is an effective therapy in the fight against the following problems:

  • flaccid skin, lacking firmness and elasticity,
  • wrinkles and bags under the eyes,
  • tired and devoid of radiance skin,
  • acne scars,
  • cellulite and stretch marks,
  • discoloration,
  • hair loss and weakening,

It is also worth knowing that mesotherapy is an effective anti-aging prevention. However, it is important to start using the treatments before the appearance of deep wrinkles. Thanks to richly nourishing substances and stimulation of the body to produce collagen and elastin you can effectively slow down the skin ageing process.

Mesotherapy – effects

The effects that can be achieved by means of mesotherapy are sometimes spectacular. Acne scars become shallower with each treatment, wrinkles are smoothed out and complexion is radiant. After the recommended series of treatments the improvement of skin density and elasticity is visible. Satisfactory results also appear in people who have problems with the quality of their hair. Thanks to the delivery of vitamin-nutritional cocktails to the hair bulbs they become stronger, and the penetrating ingredients stimulate further growth.

Mesotherapy – contraindications

Mesotherapy treatment is one of the safest and most minimally invasive, however, there are some contraindications to its performance. These include:

  • epilepsy,
  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • psoriasis,
  • allergies,
  • skin inflammations,
  • use of anticoagulants.
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