Tag - hair

Voluminous waves – a stylish return to the 1990s
Voluminous waves – a stylish return to the 1990s

Hairstyles from the 90s – check out what was fashionable and what is back in favor this season!

Vanilla blonde in the style of Millie Bobby Brown – who does it suit?
Vanilla blonde in the style of Millie Bobby Brown – who does it suit?

There are many women for whom having blonde hair is one of their dreams. However, this shade will not suit […]

Incorporate these ingredients into your diet and your hair will start growing faster!
Incorporate these ingredients into your diet and your hair will start growing faster!

Is Your Hair Falling Out? Follow a growth-promoting diet! Contrary to what you may think, this diet does not consist of sophisticated ingredients but of products, which can be found in every store.

What is the cause of hair breakage?
What is the cause of hair breakage?

Is your hair weak, brittle and difficult to grow? Find out what may be the cause and how to prevent damaged hair