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There are many causes of collagen deficiency in the skin. However, it is worth taking care of its proper amount. We suggest how to do it.
Collagen is a protein responsible for skin elasticity. As we age, we have less and less of it, which is why wrinkles appear. However, the passage of time is not the only cause of collagen depletion. On reducing the amount of collagen in the skin also affect the deficiency of vitamins and minerals – vitamin C, A, E and copper. In addition, our skin and body is negatively affected by UV radiation, improper diet, cigarettes and alcohol.
When the skin begins to lack collagen, wrinkles appear first of all. However, there are other effects as well. These include:
– hyperpigmentation,
– stretch marks and cellulite,
– lack of firmness and elasticity of the skin,
– dry skin,
– rough skin to the touch,
– keratosis, cracking and dry heels.
Collagen, which is used in cosmetics, is most often found in two forms, that is, as a gel or additive to cosmetics or in liquid form, as an injection or dietary supplement.
Although cosmetic treatments produce very good results, they are not available to everyone due to their price. That is why so often people struggling with collagen deficiency opt for cheaper, ready-made cosmetics and collagen supplements.
Collagen cosmetics provide very good hydration of the skin, its regeneration and firmness, as well as protection against external factors. Collagen delays the aging process of the skin, so it is worth reaching for it. Primabiotic offers many products in different forms.
Drinking collagen is very quickly absorbed by the body. It is worth taking care of its regular use, whether in liquid form or in tablet form. Each of us should choose the best collagen for ourselves.
It is worth knowing that in addition to affecting the skin, collagen deficiency is also important for our nails. If we have too little of it, nails very often become weaker, split and break.
Thanks to collagen we provide the body with amino acids that nourish the roots of our hair, affect their reconstruction and proper growth. So if we don’t have enough collagen, our hair can be thin, dry and brittle. We may also have to deal with excessive hair loss. Thus, thanks to collagen supplementation we take care of the good appearance of hair.
Collagen in cosmetic treatments is most often used to reduce and counteract the first wrinkles. It can also be used to reduce dark circles under the eyes, adjust the oval of the face, and regenerate, firm and moisturize the skin. Other cosmetic treatments include minimizing the appearance of stretch marks and scars, as well as treatments that strengthen the condition of nails and hair.
If we are dealing with more advanced cases, they are dealt with by specialists in aesthetic medicine and dermatology. In such situations, collagen is used to treat acne, allergies and irritations, dandruff and inflammation of the scalp, as well as to reduce scars and stretch marks.
In order for our body to assimilate collagen properly, it is also worth taking care of a well-balanced diet. It should be rich in vitamins C, A and E. Especially important is vitamin C, because it participates directly in the synthesis of collagen fibers. So when taking collagen preparations, it is worth taking care of the presence of these vitamins in the diet as well.
Main photo: Jellybee/unsplash.com