<strong> Eyebrow reconstruction? </strong>It’s possible!
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Eyebrow reconstruction? It’s possible!

Almost every woman dreams of having beautiful, thick and well groomed eyebrows. Unfortunately, to a large extent their appearance is beyond our control. Sometimes hair loss is a consequence of various diseases. Fortunately, eyebrow reconstruction is possible

Eyebrow reconstruction – what is it?

The procedure is performed in a cosmetic surgery. It consists in thickening rare hairs and replenishing those that are missing. An experienced beautician will adjust the shape of the eyebrows to your face, so that the whole look is very natural. Remember to choose a beautician who has the necessary training and experience. This is a procedure that if performed improperly can lead to deterioration of the hair, and consequently even disfigure the face.

Eyebrow complementation and thickening is carried out in two ways: building and sculpting. Before the procedure, the beautician should choose the desired shape of the eyebrows with you, and then outline it on your face. If you don’t like something, you can ask for it to be corrected. Both building and sculpting are diametrically opposed to each other, but in each case they produce the desired results. The choice of method depends on your needs

Building and sculpting – a description of methods

Building is otherwise known as eyebrow reconstruction by hair method. It consists in gluing hairs to the client’s natural eyebrows. This procedure aims at obtaining full eyebrows of a regular shape and natural appearance. Their shape is adapted to the oval of the face, and the only thing that strikes the eye is a darker color of the hair. The treatment is recommended to everyone who wants to give some volume to the eyebrows and thicken them.

Sculpting consists in adding missing hairs with a very thin wire. The procedure is performed with the use of a special structural paint. It is recommended to all who have visible defects in the eyebrows. Sculpting requires extraordinary precision, so it is recommended to be performed by an experienced linergist. The end result is a quick filling of the eyebrows and covering the empty spaces

Both mentioned methods are non-invasive and can be combined with each other. Many people decide to perform sculpting and then building, due to the fact that each method gives a different effect. Sculpting fills in the empty spaces, thanks to it you can almost from scratch create the ends and beginnings of the eyebrows, while building builds up the hair. Eyebrows become fuller, denser and have a regular shape

How long does the effect of eyebrow reconstruction last?

The effect of reconstruction is not permanent. It lasts a maximum of 4 weeks, after this time you should go to the beautician for another filling. To prolong its durability, a few basic rules should be followed. First of all, for 48 hours after the procedure you must not take hot baths, go to the sauna, swimming pool or any place with high humidity. After the eyebrow reconstruction it is not recommended to lubricate the face with greasy creams, sleep on your stomach, rub your hands over the eye area and perform a strong makeup removal. Avoiding these actions should allow you to enjoy the effects for a long time

For whom is the building and sculpting treatment recommended?

The treatment is recommended to everyone who wants to improve the appearance of their eyebrows. Both sculpting and building have a positive effect on beauty, thanks to them the eyebrows are thicker and enhanced. Eyebrow reconstruction is recommended for women after chemotherapy who have lost their hair, as well as for people who simply destroyed their shape through inept adjustment. It is also a great alternative to henna and microblading. Painting eyebrows with henna has a very low effectiveness and is often allergic. Microblading, on the other hand, is an invasive method that not everyone wants to undergo. Building and sculpting are a compromise among these treatments

When is the procedure not allowed to be performed?

The procedure is safe for human use. It is not invasive, which means that the substances do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Despite this, there are some contraindications to it, these are

  • severe acne and any rashes occurring on allergic background,
  • inflammation in the eyebrow area,
  • skin directly after microdermabrasion and chemical peels,
  • psoriasis, epidermis descending and severely irritated skin in these areas
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